Skill Bar HUD


### The What

Gigantic is a fast and fluid Strategic Hero Shooter where you battle against and alongside massive Guardians in strategic team gameplay.

### The Why

Players had difficulty keeping track of all the on-screen information and were overwhelmed by the intricate web of skill upgrade trees.


## Past State of the HUD

The HUD elements were placed far apart, creating a disjointed user experience. Moreover, the subtlety of some pertinent information made it easy for users to miss out on essential details completely.


## Design Exploration

It was tasked to explore different layouts and flows that included more information for each upgrade path. The Designers wanted information on skill cooldowns, stamina, damage, range, and status effect per upgrade.


## Launch Solution

Due to the lack of developer resources to accomplish the design of Skill Tree C, an evaluation was carried out to improve the current upgraded tree.

Skill descriptions were enhanced by adding status icons and adjusting the sizing. All skill tree sets were relocated to one location for better user focus.


## Health & Stamina

To improve the player's gaming experience, we relocated the health and stamina bars from the center of the screen to the skill bar. This reduced visual clutter and consolidated all player information in one place.

### Level, XP and Upgrades

Additionally, we implemented a "flash" system to notify players better when they are taking damage. The height of the flash varies according to the amount of damage inflicted.


## Icon Consistency

Before joining the team, multiple status icons with differing colors and levels of importance were visible in the world. To enhance consistency, the icons were classified and color-coded.

Moreover, fresh sets of icons were designed for the skill descriptions. To maintain uniformity, the rules from the status effect icons were implemented in the passive upgrade icons.


## Description Rules

The descriptions were often long and didn't match each other. To make things easier to understand, we analyzed the upgrade trees, identified the significant changes affecting the basic skills, and presented them clearly and concisely.

Additionally, we had to follow specific guidelines when writing the content and descriptions and organizing and presenting the information.


2015 – 2017

July 2017

UX Lead
Sam Kirk

UI Artist/Designer
Nick Wiley


Creative Director
James Phinney

UX / UI Designer
Levin Sadsad

Yule Hill


KSP2 / Flight Cluster


Penny Arcade / Rebrand