
“I’m a Designer,

with a passion for
making digital products
delightfully approachable.”

Hello! I'm Levin Sadsad, a 🇵🇭 Filipino-American military brat raised in cities around the world. My upbringing, combined with a curiosity about how things work, has led me to a career in design for over a decade.*

Hello! I'm Levin Sadsad, a 🇵🇭 Filipino-American military brat
raised in cities around the world. My upbringing, combined with a curiosity
about how things work, has led me to a career in design for over a decade.*

*17 years of exp.?! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

☛ think ↗︎ more * design ↘︎ less.

☛ think ↗︎ more * design ↘︎ less.

☛ design ↘︎ less * think ↗︎ more.

☛ design ↘︎ less * think ↗︎ more.

## featured work

## the blog